You are invited to attend a lecture
Oren Pe'eri
M.Sc student of Prof. Menachem Nathan and Prof. Michael Golub
Electrical Engineering, Physical Electronics Department
Tel Aviv University
Direct Reconstruction of Spectral Signatures in Optical-Digital Snapshot Spectral Imaging Systems
This thesis is dedicated to a new approach in spectral imaging. We use an imaging system that includes a spectral disperser, a micro-lens array (MLA), imaging lenses and a monochromatic sensor that records a mix of spectral and spatial data ("spectral cube") in a multiplexed form. We develop a special demultiplexing algorithm for direct extraction of spatial maps corresponding to spectral signatures of interest from the sensor data. This "signature mapping" is based on prior knowledge of spectral signatures of specific materials and on the assumption that the original spectral cube consists of their linear superimposition. Direct extraction of the spatial map of signatures marks the areas where the original image is abundant in specific chemical materials. As such, it substantially reduces the data volume by a ratio of the number of wavelength bands to the number of spectral signatures. The developed method and algorithms are validated by computer simulation of the spectral imaging system with the aid of spectral cubes of real multi-spectral images of gas plumes.
Thursday, March 10, 2016, at 15:30
Room 011, Kitot building