
16 בפברואר 2015, 15:00 
206 Wolfson 

You are invited to attend a lecture




Dr. Amir Hochman


Ansys Inc.



On the subject:


Optimal and Practical Green’s Function Approximations in Electromagnetics




In electromagnetic scattering problems, the Green’s function (GF) is the field of an elementary source operating in the presence of a scatterer. It is an invaluable tool for analyzing the interaction of an arbitrary source, or antenna, with the scatterer. Closed-form expressions for GFs are known only for a handful of simple geometries, while approximating them numerically for general geometries is challenging.

In this talk we describe optimal approximations of GFs for general geometries, as well as a nearly-optimal, but more practical, numerical approximation scheme. This work is motivated by the analysis of antennas near a realistic human-head model, needed for the design of ultra-high field MRI scanners. Using the numerically obtained Green’s functions, such antennas can be analyzed in a few seconds on a desktop computer.




Monday, 16 February 2015 at 15:00

Room 206,Wolfson Build.

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