
You are invited to attend a lecture




Dr. Moti Fridman

Faculty of Engineering, Bar-Ilan University




Spontaneous PT symmetry breaking

With topological insulators


In this talk we present a novel optical isolator based on the interaction of light and

Topological insulators.


This optical isolator does not require the application of external magnetic field and is based on spontaneous time reversal symmetry braking by topological insulators.


The device is comprised of tapered fiber with Sb2Te3 topological insulating crystal on its surface.


The interaction of light with the topological insulator rotates the input polarization in a similar manner to the Faraday rotation, but without the necessity in external magnetic field.





Thursday, March 17, 2016, at 15:00


Room 011, Wolfson Classroom Building

14 במרץ 2016, 15:00 

You are invited to attend a lecture




Dr. Moti Fridman

Faculty of Engineering, Bar-Ilan University



Spontaneous PT symmetry breaking

With topological insulators


In this talk we present a novel optical isolator based on the interaction of light and

Topological insulators.


This optical isolator does not require the application of external magnetic field and is based on spontaneous time reversal symmetry braking by topological insulators.


The device is comprised of tapered fiber with Sb2Te3 topological insulating crystal on its surface.


The interaction of light with the topological insulator rotates the input polarization in a similar manner to the Faraday rotation, but without the necessity in external magnetic field.





Thursday, March 17, 2016, at 15:00


Room 011, Wolfson Classroom Building

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