
You are invited to attend a lecture



Moran Assif

M.Sc. student under supervision of Prof. Yossi Rosenwaks

School of Electrical Engineering, Dept. of Physical Electronics

Tel Aviv University


Analysis and Applications of Multiple State

Electrostatically Formed Nanowire Transistors


Electrostatically formed nanowire (EFN)-based transistors have recently been suggested as a single device with multiplexer functionality. In these transistors multiple gates and multiple drains transistors, the conduction path between source to one of the drains is determined by the bias applied to the two junction-side gates. If a specific bias is applied to the side gates, the conduction band electrons between them are confined to a well-defined area forming a narrow channel—the EFN. By applying a nonsymmetric bias on the side gates, the lateral position of the EFN can be controlled.

We present a simulation analysis of the different states of the MSET device, applications, the transient time between them and the power exerted during each transition. The dependence of transition time between states and leakage currents in cutoff state on different geometry parameters is also presented.

A discussion on the usage of the MSET device in digital applications will be presented along with an analog application of an RF switch.





Sunday, April 17, 2016, at 14:00

Room 200, Wolfson Building (deans office)

17 באפריל 2016, 14:00 
Room #200 Wolfson build. 

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