Seminar by Gil Atar 19.11.15 at 10:00

You are invited to attend a lecture



Gil Atar

 Ph.D. student under the supervision of Professor Shlomo Ruschin and Dr. David Eger

 School of Electrical Engineering, Physical Electronics Department

Tel Aviv University

Yb/Al-Codoped Fused-Silica Waveguides for High-Power Applications

Thursday, 19 November 2015, at 10:00

Room 011, Room 011, Kitot Building

19 בנובמבר 2015, 10:00 
011 כיתות 
Seminar by Gil Atar 19.11.15 at 10:00

You are invited to attend a lecture



Gil Atar



Ph.D. student under the supervision of Professor Shlomo Ruschin and Dr. David Eger


School of Electrical Engineering, Physical Electronics Department

Tel Aviv University


Yb/Al-Codoped Fused-Silica Waveguides for High-Power Applications


A novel all-silica technology for fabricating on-chip optical devices for high-power applications based on large-core fused silica waveguides (WG) is introduced. We demonstrate a 20X20µm Yb/Al-codoped fused-silica WG with <0.5dB/cm loss and 0.6dB/cm gain, showing near-single-mode operation and low propagation loss despite significant sidewall-roughness. The first high-power optical pitch-converter is reported, bringing five WGs close proximity to enable simple fiber-coupling or coherent combining.

Fabrication methods include flame-hydrolysis, amorphous sintering, CO2 laser treatment (T>2000oC) and photolithography followed by dry etching. Special attention is given to sidewall roughness investigation using white-light interferometry and fluorescence streak imaging providing the first experimental observation of Marcuse's theory for modal distribution and loss dynamics in multimode WGs.


Thursday, 19 November 2015, at 10:00

Room 011, Room 011, Kitot Building



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