You are invited to attend a lecture
Pentagraph image fusion scheme
for prevention of motion blur
using multiple monochromatic images
Alon Volfman
MSc student of
Professor David Mendlovic
Electrical Engineering Department, Tel Aviv University
In the seminar a new Pentagraph Image Fusion (PIF) scheme for motion related blur prevention in images is going to be introduced.
The PIF algorithm processes five monochromatic images into a single, low-noise, no-blur color image. The images are acquired using a new photography scheme, the Sequential Filter Photography (SFP), in which instead of using a stationary Bayer pattern color filter array in front of the image sensor, a tunable color filter array is used. Using this approach several monochromatic images are captured one by one and later fused into one color image.
The SFP introduces various advantages as higher resolution, better SNR, and the ability to control both exposure time and color filter separately for each image.
The PIF algorithm harnesses all the advantages of SFP for the first time in the field of blur-free image acquisition, five images are taken with controllable exposure time and color filter, three images for the color bands, and two high signal panchromatic images. These images are fused together to be a single, low-noise, no-blur color image.
The algorithm presents a generic approach of dealing with both local and global motion blur and does not require any user intervention.
Monday, June 27, 2016, at 12:30
Room 011, Kitot Building