EE Seminar: From pde's towards networks: a port Hamiltonian approach to distributed parameter systems
(The talk will be given in English)
Speaker: Prof. Maschke Bernhard
Systems & Control Eng., University Claude Bernard, Lyon, France
SUNDAY, November 13th, 2016
15:00 - 16:00
Room 011, Kitot Bldg., Faculty of Engineering
From pde's towards networks: a port Hamiltonian approach to distributed parameter systems
In this talk, we shall illustrate on different examples, how the Port Hamiltonian formulation relates systems of PDE’s with energy-conjugated interface variables, to an abstract network representation. In a first part, we shall first recalls the definition of Port Hamiltonian systems defined on Stokes-Dirac structures and their derivation from Hamiltonian systems of conservation laws. In the second part we shall define some basic network components and give a network representation of the Port Hamiltonian systems. in the third part we shall discuss on some examples alternative Hamiltonian representations associated with 1-dimensional fluid models.