EE Seminar: Communication through the Nonlinear Fiber-Optic Channel
(The talk will be given in English)
Speaker: Dr. Ronen Dar
Bell Labs Nokia, New Jersey
Monday, December 19th, 2016
15:00 - 16:00
Room 011, Kitot Bldg., Faculty of Engineering
Communication through the Nonlinear Fiber-Optic Channel
The nonlinearity of optical fibers has long been recognized as the most important factor limiting the capacity of optical communication systems. It introduces complicated distortions onto the optical signal, fundamentally impairing the receiver’s capability of decoding the transmitted data. Communicating through the nonlinear optical channel raises the need to re-examine paradigms and methods known from linear communication channels, and to re-address fundamental problems such as how to modulate and detect the signal, how to evaluate system performance, and more. In addition, information theoretical problems such as estimating the ultimate channel capacity become much more challenging and cumbersome when considering the optical nonlinear medium.
In this talk I will review models for the nonlinear optical channel. I will show that the interference induced by fiber’s nonlinearity possesses a number of unique and interesting properties such as dependence on modulation format and symbol rate, dependence on the structure of the system, and existence of phase noise and temporal correlations. I will discuss the impact of these properties on the mitigation of nonlinearities, the determination of the optimal input distribution and the evaluation of the information theoretical channel capacity. Finally, I will review some of the challenges and recent advances in optical space-division multiplexing, an emerging technology that is expected to satisfy the worldwide data traffic demand for the next decade and beyond.
Ronen Dar is a Member of Technical Staff at Bell Labs Nokia, New Jersey. He obtained his Ph.D. under the supervision of Meir Feder and Mark Shtaif in 2015, his M.Sc. under the supervision of Meir Feder in 2011 (summa cum laude) and B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering in 2008 (cum laude), all from Tel-Aviv University. He is the recipient of the Adams Fellowship awarded by the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, the Advanced Communication Center Award and the Electro-Optic Fund Award of Tel-Aviv University for outstanding research work in communications (both in 2014), and the Yitzhak and Chaya Weinstein Research Institute Award for outstanding research work in the fields of communication theory and signal processing (2013 and 2014).