EE Seminar: 5th Generation Mobile Communications - An Overview of Research and Challenges in the Related RF-Circuitry
(The talk will be given in Hebrew)
Speaker: Dr. Oren Eliezer
Wednesday, December 21st, 2016
15:00 - 16:00
Room 011, Kitot Bldg., Faculty of Engineering
5th Generation Mobile Communications - An Overview of Research and Challenges in the Related RF-Circuitry
5th generation cellular communication systems are expected to be deployed in 2020, following the pace of one generation per decade that has been experienced ever since the first generation. While the 3GPP standardization group efforts are ongoing, some pre-standard systems are already being developed, demonstrating data-rates that can exceed 1Gpbs per user.
This seminar will present some of the RF-circuitry related challenges associated with the design and deployment of 5th generation cellular systems, and will highlight several different fields of ongoing research, which may offer career/business/research opportunities. The work of several leading researchers in the field will be discussed and some industry examples will be shown.
In particular, the challenges associated with efficient use of spectrum and power-efficient transmission will be discussed.
Dr. Oren Eliezer has 28 years of experience in the design and productization of wireless communication systems and ICs.
He received his BSEE and MSEE degrees from the Tel-Aviv University in 1988 and in 1997, focusing on communication systems and signal processing, and his PhD in microelectronics from the University of Texas at Dallas in 2008.
After serving for 6 years as an engineer in the IDF, he co-founded Butterfly Communications, which was acquired by Texas Instruments (TI) in 1999.
He was relocated by TI to Dallas in 2002, where he was elected senior member of the technical staff, and took part in the development of TI’s digital-radio-processor (DRP) technology.
Since 2009 he has been involved in academic research and teaching at the University of Texas at Dallas and the University of North Texas, as well as in entrepreneurship with several startup companies in the Dallas area.
He is currently with PHAZR, a pioneer in millimeter-wave wireless systems for 5th generation cellular communications.
He has authored and coauthored over 55 journal and conference papers and over 45 patents, and has given over 50 tutorials related to communication system and IC design and productization.
He is a senior member of the IEEE, regularly reviews papers for various IEEE publications and serves on the organizing committees of 4 different IEEE conferences.