EE Seminar: Non-smooth manifold optimization with applications to machine learning and pattern recognition
~~(The talk will be given in English)
Speaker: Prof. Michael Bronstein
University of Lugano, Switzerland / Perceptual Computing, Intel, Israel RAS, Moscow, Russia
Sunday, April 3rd, 2016
14:00 - 15:00
Room 011, Kitot Bldg., Faculty of Engineering
Non-smooth manifold optimization with applications to machine learning and pattern recognition
Numerous problems in machine learning are formulated as optimization with manifold constraints, i.e., where the variables are restricted to a smooth submanifold of the search space. For example, optimization on the Grassman manifold comes up in multi-view clustering and matrix completion; Stiefel manifolds arise in eigenvalue-, assignment-, and Procrustes problems, compressed sensing, shape correspondence, manifold learning, sensor localization, structural biology, and structure from motion recovery; manifolds of fixed-rank matrices appear in maxcut problems and sparse principal component analysis; and oblique manifolds are encountered in problems such as joint diagonalization and blind source separation.
In this talk, I will present an ADMM-like method allowing to handle non-smooth manifold-constrained optimization. Our method is generic and not limited to a specific manifold, is very simple to implement, and does not require parameter tuning. I will show examples of applications from the domains of physics, computer graphics, and machine learning.