EE Seminar: Practical Waveform and Receiver Considerations for Continuous-Wave Bistatic and Multistatic Radars

~~Speaker: Itzik Cohen, 
M.Sc. student under the supervision of Prof. Nadav Levanon

Wednesday, February 24, 2016 at 15:00
Room 011, Kitot Bldg., Faculty of Engineering

Practical Waveform and Receiver Considerations for Continuous-Wave Bistatic and Multistatic Radars


The prevailing waveforms in modern continuous wave (CW) bistatic and multistatic radars are signals-of-opportunity which rarely have good properties for optimal radar performance, whereas linear frequency modulation CW (LFM-CW), which is the most popular CW waveform for monostatic radar, loses some of its strengths in the bistatic and multistatic case. That opens the competition for other periodic waveforms.
In this talk, the advantages of bi-phase and 3-phase CW waveforms are described and demonstrated, through bistatic field trials. Among them are sidelobe-free range response, low Doppler recurrent lobes and relative ease of transmitter-receiver synchronization. Another important property of these families of periodic waveforms is the availability at all prime lengths, and good inter-signal separability (low cross-correlation and cross-ambiguity function), for the sake of multistatic scenes. Spectral efficiency (low out-of-band emission) is achieved either by a Gausian weighted sync (GWS) chip shape, with a penalty of varying amplitude, or by quadriphase continuous phase modulation. Also, some receiver considerations will be discussed.
Results from lab experiments and field trials will be presented.


24 בפברואר 2016, 15:00 
חדר 011, בניין כיתות-חשמל 
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