EE Seminar: Two Asymmetric Descriptions from Many Symmetric Descriptions
Speaker: Adam Mashiach,
M.Sc. student under the supervision of Prof. Ram Zamir.
Wednesday, December 7th, 2016 at 15:00
Room 011, Kitot Bldg., Faculty of Engineering
Two Asymmetric Descriptions from Many Symmetric Descriptions
Multiple descriptions provide a mechanism for graceful degradation in open-loop lossy source coding over a lossy-packet network. Existing solutions for the general asymmetric case are, however, cumbersome. We present a framework for designing an efficient asymmetric two-description scheme, based on dividing many symmetric descriptions into two groups, and encoding each group jointly.
In the first part, we present a multiple description coding scheme which is based on oversampling and dithered delta-sigma quantization that can generate large number of symmetric descriptions. In the second part, we use this symmetric many description scheme to build an asymmetric sum-rate optimal two-description scheme. We further show that this idea can be extended to generate any number asymmetric descriptions (not only two), which are sum-rate optimal for an interesting specific case of the many description problem.