EE Seminar: On Polar Coding For Side Information Channels

26 בפברואר 2020, 15:30 
Room 011, Kitot Building 

Speaker: Barak Beilin

M.Sc. student under the supervision of Prof. David Burshtein


Wednesday, February 26th 2020 at 15:30

Room 011, Kitot Bldg., Faculty of Engineering


On Polar Coding For Side Information Channels




The coding problem over side information channels with non-causal side information at the encoder, also known as the Gelfand Pinsker (GP) problem, is considered. First, we propose a successive cancellation list (SCL) encoding and decoding scheme based on the nested polar coding scheme proposed in the literature. It applies SCL encoding for the source coding part, and SCL decoding with a properly defined CRC for the channel coding part. The scheme shows improved error rate performance over the standard successive cancellation (SC) nested polar coding scheme. A known issue with nested polar codes for binary DP is the existence of frozen channel code bits that are not frozen in the source code. These bits need to be retransmitted in a second phase of the scheme, thus reducing the rate and increasing the required blocklength. We observe that the number of these bits is typically either zero or a small number. We then provide an improved bound on the size of this set, and on its scaling with respect to the blocklength, when the Bhattacharyya parameter of the test channel used for source coding is sufficiently large, or the Bhattacharyya parameter of the channel seen at the decoder is sufficiently small. The result is formulated for an arbitrary binary-input memoryless GP problem, since unlike the previous results, it does not require degradedness of the two channels mentioned above. Finally, we present simulation results both for the binary DP problem and for noisy write once memory codes.



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