סמינר מחלקתי אלקטרוניקה פיזיקאלית : Nir Shitrit

10 בינואר 2019, 15:00 
פקולטה להנדסה, ביניין כיתות, חדר 011 
סמינר מחלקתי אלקטרוניקה פיזיקאלית : Nir Shitrit

ניר סמינר

You are invited to attend a lecture


Meta-Engineering of Light in the Linear, Nonlinear and Quantum Optical Regimes


Nir Shitrit

University of California, Berkeley



Through subwavelength structuring of materials, metamaterials have shown exquisite control over electromagnetic properties, experimentally demonstrating phenomena not found in nature such as a negative index of refraction. Metasurfaces constitute a more recent branch of metamaterials research, in which two-dimensional ultrathin arrays of engineered nanostructures mold optical wavefronts at will, aiming to revolutionize optical designs by realizing virtually flat, lightweight optics that replaces bulky optical elements. In this talk, we will detail how photonic meta-engineering has advanced metasurfaces as a new paradigm for linear, nonlinear and quantum optics. First, we demonstrated beam shaping via metasurfaces based on optical nanoantennas for visible light, where the photon spin is utilized as a new degree of freedom. We also used metasurfaces as architecture to reveal the role of surface symmetry properties on light-matter interactions and, more specifically, observed the optical analog of the electronic Rashba effect—that is, spin-split dispersion due to broken inversion symmetry. In the nonlinear regime, we explored functionalities which cannot be fundamentally achieved by linear metasurfaces, and demonstrated two-way asymmetric transport of light at nonlinear metasurfaces, paving the way for ultrathin optical diodes. Finally, we showed the extension of metasurfaces to the quantum optical regime, while theoretically demonstrating that a metasurface can efficiently mediate quantum entanglement between two macroscopically separated quantum emitters at the chip level. To conclude, we propose several future directions of structures and materials by design including non-Markovian metasurfaces, mechanical metamaterials, and innovating optoelectronic devices via metastructures, which address the significant impact of meta-engineering on science and technology.

Bio: Nir Shitrit is a postdoctoral fellow at the University of California, Berkeley. He received his Ph.D. in 2014, in Mechanical Engineering, from the Technion -Israel Institute of Technology. His research interests lie at the interface of engineering and applied physics and focus on optics and photonics and, more specifically, on nano-engineered structures and materials with a custom-designed electromagnetic response.  


On Thursday, January 10, 2019, 15:00

Room 011, Kitot Building

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