הנדסת חשמל - סמינר - שלומי קושצ'י

~~Electrical Engineering-Systems Department

*** SEMINAR ***

Shlomi Kushchi
(M.Sc. student under the supervision of Prof. Shlomo Weiss)

on the subject:

Cloud Computing Through In-Flight WiFi Limited Bandwidth Airplane Communication

  High bandwidth internet usage is a known problem while travelling. For instance when flying on airplanes. The problem arises from the obvious reason, the plane is up in the air where there are no antennas. Moreover, while flying from one continent to the other the airplane is flying over oceans where no infrastructure is available. Communication is available, but the bandwidth is limited. That means that under that current infrastructure it is very difficult to provide a good connection to the passengers. That also reflects on the pricing.
  We suggest a novel approach to deploy virtual desktops on such platforms. In this approach the graphical part of the application is separated from the remaining parts. The applications execute in the cloud and the GUI is displayed on the client side. The application is not affected by the remote execution and behaves as if it executes on a private computer.
  Our approach requires almost no changes in the transition from a desktop application to a cloud application. Separating the GUI part of the application is done by intercepting all the applications GUI function calls and transmitting them to the client. With a dedicated environment at the client side the function calls are executed properly. In the proposed approach the separation of the graphics part, which runs on the client, and the remainder of the application, which executes in the cloud, is done with minimal changes in the application and results in competitive bandwidth relative to familiar protocols. In this paper we will demonstrate this concept on a Windows based clients, but the same concepts can be implemented on other platforms as well.

12 בנובמבר 2014, 15:30 
בניין כיתות חשמל, חדר 011 
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