EE Seminar: Joint Processing Of Multiple Radar Systems For Performance Enhancment
~~Speaker: Yossi Steinmetz,
M.Sc. student under the supervision of Prof. Anthony Weiss
Monday, July20th, 2015 at 15:30
Room 011, Kitot Bldg., Faculty of Engineering
Joint Processing Of Multiple Radar Systems For Performance Enhancment
Radar systems have been one of the fundamental and important ways for detecting targets. However, their accuracy and resolution are limited by their physical parameters (i.e bandwidth, physical aperture) and cannot be improved dramatically.
In this thesis, we present and develop an approach based on [1] to enhance the system bandwidth and increase the SNR by using sparse subband measurements.
The motivation for this approach is based on an operational system where two radars are mounted on the same ship [1] and each transmits a different frequency (one is S-band and the other in X-band). Joint processing of the received signals improves the performance significantly.
The main problem using 'standard' methods is the creation of side-lobes. Despite the fact that we have more information to exploit due to the wide overall bandwidth, spectral data between the two sub-bands is missing and leads to the creation of side-lobes. The algorithm presented in this thesis is designed to solve this problem.
Moreover, in this thesis we allow the radars to be in spatially separated and not only co-located. The algorithm presented in this thesis is able to compensate for the lack of coherence caused by the distance between the radars.
The algorithm presented in this thesis has been checked in simulations in different scenarios and has superior performance when compared with existing solutions.
The algorithm was further tested on recordings of an operational radar system. The results demonstrate the usefulness of the proposed approach.