EE Seminar: PointWise: An Unsupervised Point-wise Feature Learning Neural Network

25 בפברואר 2019, 15:30 
חדר 011, בניין כיתות-חשמל 

Speaker: Matan Shoef

M.Sc. student under the supervision of Prof. Daniel Cohen-Or


Monday, February 25th 2019 at 15:30

Room 011, Kitot Bldg., Faculty of Engineering


PointWise: An Unsupervised Point-wise Feature Learning Neural Network




We present a novel approach to learning a point-wise, meaningful embedding for point-clouds in an unsupervised manner, through the use of neural-networks.

The domain of point-cloud processing via neural-networks is rapidly evolving, with novel architectures and applications frequently emerging. Within this field of research, the availability and plethora of unlabeled point-clouds as well as their possible applications make finding ways of characterizing this type of data appealing. Though significant advancement was achieved in the realm of unsupervised learning, its adaptation to the point-cloud representation is not trivial.

Previous research focuses on the embedding of entire point-clouds representing an object in a meaningful manner. We present a deep learning framework to learn point-wise description from a set of shapes without supervision.

Our approach leverages self-supervision to define a relevant loss function to learn rich per-point features. We train a neural-network with objectives based on context derived directly from the raw data, with no added annotation. We use local structures of point-clouds to incorporate geometric information into each point's latent representation. In addition to using local geometric information, we encourage adjacent points to have similar representations and vice-versa, creating a smoother, more descriptive representation.

We demonstrate the ability of our method to capture meaningful point-wise features through three applications. By clustering the learned embedding space, we perform unsupervised part-segmentation on point clouds. By calculating Euclidean distance in the latent space we derive semantic point-analogies. Finally, by retrieving nearest-neighbors in our learned latent space we present meaningful point-correspondence within and among point-clouds.

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